
Upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6
Upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6

“%JRE_HOME%\bin\java.exe” -Xms64m -Xmx256m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=40 -classpath “%CD%.\bin\inst.jar %CD%.\bin\inst-res.jar” =”%CATALINA_HOME%” =”%CATALINA_HOME%\bin %CATALINA_HOME%.\ASA\win32″ .DatabaseFrame setpassword admin admin Quite a few forum posts suggest logging a support case with Symantec to obtain a new version of the resetpass.bat file but I couldn’t find anybody actually offering this up for download so I thought I’d share the love and save other people logging support off The main problem is that if you haven’t set up email server settings in the Manager console previously this won’t be any help to you.

upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6

Instead you can use the Forgotten Password link on the logon screen.

upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6

However for greater security Symantec haven’t included this utility in version 12.1. In earlier versions you could use resetpass.bat file as detailed in. I’ve spent some time today trying to reset the admin account for Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. If you run into any problems do comment below. You can check it worked if you try going to %JRE_HOME% and end up in the folder you’ve just set.

upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6

Click OK and Apply to close the System Properties Window.

upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6

  • In the “System variables” section of the Environment Variables window that opens, ensure that the JRE_HOME environment variables are pointed at the following location: C:\Program Files\Java\jre.
  • Navigate to the “Advanced System Settings” section of the Control Panel.
  • I have tested the script with 12.1.6 and it still works however you might need to set the JRE_HOME system variable first. A few kind people reported that this doesn’t seem to work with 12.1.5.

    Upgrade symantec endpoint protection manager 12.1.6